Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019

EDUC 1199 Introduction to Education

Introduction to education as a profession, with emphasis on the foundations of education, its history and philosophy and the qualities and competencies required. There will be 15 hours of directed field experiences embedded into this course.




PDMT 1101 (PC 101) and ENGL 1101 (ENG 101).

Typically Offered

fall, spring

Student Learning Outcomes

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A – IV)


Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:

  1. Articulate a personal philosophy of education; CCLO: 1-10
  2. Express a clear understanding of the philosophical, sociological, legal and historical framework upon which contemporary American education is based and in which it currently exists; CCLO: 1-10
  3. Articulate an understanding of the teaching profession and the demands thereof in general and in particular as required by the teacher education program at Piedmont College;  CCLO: 1-10
  4. Discuss current issues in American education and the impact these may potentially have on the classroom;  CCLO:  1-10
  5. Discuss the nature and needs of the students who are now and will be in the near future entering our schools;  CCLO:  1-1
  6. Discuss the demands of society placed on our schools and the role of the teacher in addressing and/or responding to those needs.  CCLO: 1-10