Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019

CRJU 3385 Punishment in the United States

This course is an in-depth examination of the purpose and theory of punishment as it is practiced in the correctional system of the United States. Topics to be discussed include theories of punishment, forms of the criminal sanction, structure and process of the federal, state and local correctional systems, history and development of the correctional system, rights of the accused in regard to punishment, and criticisms and proposed reforms in the correctional system.



Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Discuss the main points of the history of punishment.
  2. Differentiate between correctional ideologies.
  3. Understand the sentencing and appeals process.
  4. Discuss the working of the probation system.
  5. Differentiate between diversion and intermediate sanctions.
  6. Discuss the functions of custody.
  7. Identify and explain examples of security threat groups and prison gangs.
  8. Discuss prison management and treatment.
  9. Differentiate between the types of management and treatment facilities.
  10. Discuss the workings of the state and local level prison system.
  11. Discuss the federal corrections system.
  12. Identify arguments for and against the death penalty.
  13. Understand parole and re-entry.
  14. Identify inmate rights and their origin.
  15. Differentiate between male and female offenders.
  16. Identify differences between treatment of adult offenders and juvenile offenders.