Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019

Grade Appeals

Students who wish to dispute a final grade and are prepared to present evidence to support a grade appeal must initiate the procedure by speaking first with the instructor who as- signed the grade in question. If there are no errors in the computation of the grade or other substantial evidence to support an appeal, the student is encouraged to accept the grade assigned. However, in cases where there are substantial grounds for a review of the grade and a resolution cannot be reached between the student and the instructor, the student has the following recourse:

  1. Within two weeks of the beginning of the term following the one for which the grade was posted, the student must submit to the appropriate department chair a letter of appeal with evidence supporting the need for an external review of the grade in question. A form, which describes the supporting material required, is available. The department chair will review the student’s material and consult with the instructor before deciding if the assigned grade should stand. The department chair must provide a written response to the student with a copy to the school dean.
  2. If a student does not accept the decision of the department chair, there is one additional level of appeal. The student may submit documentation to the appropriate academic dean (in the school where the course was taught) who will determine if new information or insufficient consideration of the student’s case merits further review of the assigned grade. The dean’s decision to proceed or not to proceed will be final in all cases.
  3. If the dean determines that further review is warranted, the dean will review the material and consult with the student and the instructor. The dean may exercise discretion to consult other faculty or students who can provide relevant information. The dean’s decision will be final.
  4. The entire appeal process must be completed within four weeks of the date the grade was appealed.
  5. When the dean or department chair is the teacher of record, the dean will substitute for the department chair and the vice president for academic affairs will substitute for the dean.