Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018

Leadership Studies, B.A.

Leadership Studies is a major designed for students who have finished some college or who have earned some college credit and would now like to earn a bachelor’s degree. Most students pursuing this major are already working and need the bachelor’s degree to move upward within their organization. For this reason, the major requires students to complete two concentrations so the student can gain knowledge and expertise relative to his/her current position. Concentrations are available in Communications, Human Behavior, and Organizational Leadership:


Students develop an understanding of communication theory and how to translate this to practice. Emphasis is on speaking and writing skills, as well as experience in developing media literacy. Competencies in critical thinking and problem-solving are explored throughout the program.

Human Behavior

Students will focus on personal development through an understanding of world views grounded in psychological and sociological theories which help to explain human behavior. Students will be able to apply human behavior principles to their personal and professional lives.

Organizational Leadership

Students will examine leadership styles and models, develop leadership potential, and increase critical and strategic thinking abilities.

Leadership Studies Curriculum Outline

Bachelor of Arts Degree

General Education

Total Credit Hours:46

Piedmont College Requirement

PDMT 1101Intro to College Life and Liberal Arts Tradition


Total Credit Hours:1

Students who have not completed a minimum of 24 semester credit hours of college-level coursework upon admission to Piedmont College must meet this college requirement.

Leadership Studies Major

Total Credit Hours:36-39

Leadership Studies Foundations

BUSA 4550Organizational Behavior and Leadership Theories


ENGL 3335Technical Writing


SOCI 2210Social and Cultural Problems


IDIS 3300Cultural Creativity


IDIS 4499Interdisciplinary Capstone Course


Total Credit Hours:15


Students must choose two of the following concentrations:

Total Credit Hours:24
Communications Concentration
MCOM 1500Mass Media Survey


MCOM 3300Media, Society, and Technology


MCOM 3800Media Management


SOCI 3375Social and Cultural Change


Organizational Leadership Concentration
ACCT 2010Accounting I


ACCT 2020Accounting II


BUSA 3010Management


BUSA 3700Project Management


Human Behavior Concentration
BUSA 3310Organizational Behavior


PSYC 2290Human Growth and Development


PSYC 3303Social Psychology


SOCI 3375Social and Cultural Change


General Electives

Total Credit Hours:37

Total Credit Hours: 120

SOCI 2210: This course also satisfies general education requirements and appear in the number of hours for both general education and the major; in reality, leadership studies majors may have up to 37 additional hours to use for electives. Students may use elective hours to earn a minor or another major, as well as to develop additional marketable skills. The number of elective hours students may take will depend on the courses taken to satisfy general education requirements.