Graduate Catalog 2017-2018

EDUC 7772 Planning for STEM Teaching and Learning

The goal of this course is to provide candidates experiences in the practices of STEM learning and includes the integration of multidiscipline standards and business/industry practices/partnerships to Project Based Learning, collaborative team planning, and managing differentiated learning in the STEM classroom. Candidates will develop an understanding of the importance of STEM vertical alignment in P-16 education and appreciate that the uniqueness of the community parallels the uniqueness of STEM programs within the community. Candidates will experience the bundling and integration of standards through continued content and collaborative skill development, the use of performance assessment tasks and rubrics, integrated task design (PBL, problem-based, place-based, authentic), implementation and appropriate use of technology, co-planning and co-facilitating experiences, managing and differentiating active learning in the classroom to support the overall student development in STEM etiquette, practices, and application.
